Keracem ECO Big Bag1000KG

Certified, eco-friendly, hydraulic, normal-setting and rapid-drying mineral binder for high-performance screeds and heat-radiant slabs, ideal for use in GreenBuilding. With very low volatile organic compound emissions. Recyclable as an inert material at the end of its life. Keracem® Eco, mixed with inert materials of assorted grain sizes from 0 to 8 mm, creates screeds of high dimensional stability and constant moisture stability, guaranteeing the rapid, safe laying of ceramic tiles after 24 hours and hardwood floors after just 5 days.

Key Features:

  • Versatile Use: Suitable for both internal and external applications on flooring and walls.
  • Ready-to-Use: Conveniently pre-mixed and can be applied with a soft cloth or a brush.
  • Extra-Rapid Drying: Dries quickly, allowing for efficient project completion.
  • Specially Formulated: Ideal for diluting EP21 and EP21 Rapid.
  • Enhanced Adhesion: Guarantees the adhesion of sealants even on the most challenging substrates.
  • Adhesion Promoter: Promotes adhesion in resin-based systems.

Keragrip Eco Pulep is the perfect solution for ensuring clean, well-prepared surfaces and strong adhesion in demanding conditions.

Keracem ECO Big Bag1000KG